Month: August 2024

Column Order in SQL Tables

Read The language rules we know – but don’t know we know which says “Adjectives in English absolutely have to be in this order: opinion-size-age-shape-colour-origin-material-purpose Noun.” Then you’ll know this is correct:

CREATE TABLE little_girls (
  grade FLOAT, height SMALLINT, birth DATE, fatness BLOB,
  hair SET('blond','black'), previous_school VARCHAR(64),
  is_made_of_sugar_and_spice_and_everything_nice BOOL,
  reason_for_existence TEXT DEFAULT 'thank heaven');

because columns are attributes and so are adjectives.

Now I’ll tell you the other factors that affect whether chicken columns precede egg columns.

Primary key columns first

As the Oracle “Ask Tom” guy said unenthusiastically in 2012: “For example – most people – pretty much all people – would put the primary key FIRST in the table. It is a universally accepted approach – convention.” Sometimes this is part of a “rule of thumb”. Sometimes it’s part of “logical data modeling standards”. Sometimes it’s part of “business rules”.

I’ve even seen an “automated analysis of database design” tool that marks you down if you put the primary key somewhere else.

General before specific

The United States Postal Service says “Automated mail processing machines read addresses on mailpieces from the bottom up and will first look for a city, state, and ZIP Code.” because those folks know that what matters first is the larger area and what matters last is the street spot.

That’s also what people care about so often they’ll say
genus before species,
or schema name before object name,
or test type before test result.

Specificity is not the same as uniqueness — there might be more addresses “100 Main Street” then there are states in the USA. But it is about moving from the target to the bullseye. Unique-first might be an advantage for CREATE INDEX, but not for CREATE TABLE. And that might mean you might want to say CREATE TABLE t (column1, column2 PRIMARY KEY (column2, column1)) but it does not mean you want to reverse the order of display.

Surname first

Looking at the States stats again, there are about 5 million occurrences of the most common given name (James) and about 2.5 million occurrences of the most common last name (Smith). That’s anecdotal but corresponds to the general belief that last names are uniquer than first names. What matters more is that the name James is less useful for identification, and therefore less important.


If you’ve ever heard “Choose one from column A and one from Column B” you’ll feel this isn’t quite absurd, and if you’ve got 26 columns named column_a through column_z then you’ll appreciate it if there’s an arbitrary-but-familiar way to glance through them.

And in fact it’s not arbitrary if your column names have prefixes that indicate what group they belong to. Surely user_name and user_address belong together, or if it’s the address suffix that matters more then alphabetical DESC would work though I’ve never seen it proposed.

Important before trivial

There’s advice that columns should appear in order of importance, and if users don’t know what’s important then there are clues.

Is the value usually the same or usually NULL? Then it carries little information.

Is the column name absent from most SELECT statements? Then most people don’t care.

Is it indexed, or unique, or in a foreign key? Then somebody has already decided it matters. Accept that and bump them closer to the start.

What matters for SELECT * is:
the columns that you like most should be on the left of the screen (even if you’re Arab) so you don’t need to use horizontal scrolling.

What matters for SELECT column_x is:
if the row is so big that it might stretch over two blocks, the DBMS might be happier if the column is in the first block.

The ancient wisdom

There’s a rule that I’ve seen often, with occasional variations:
“Primary key columns first.
Foreign key columns next.
Frequently searched columns next.
Frequently updated columns later.
Nullable columns last.
Least used nullable columns after more frequently used nullable columns.
Blobs in own table with few other columns.”

What I’ve seen much less often is a link to what appears to be the first occurrence: It’s from 2002 and it’s in response to a question about Oracle.

So, for example, if your DBMS happens to be one that doesn’t store NULLs if they’re the last things in the row, then that’s good advice. If on the other hand your DBMS happens to be one that has a preface of bits indicating whether the column is NULL, then it’s pointless. Documentation about this might for one InnoDB case be slightly misleading; however, my point is that most of those items will depend on your DBMS and the clauses that you use for a storage engine.

Nevertheless I’ll endorse the “NULLs last” tip because I’ve seen an old claim that it affects SQL Server too. That is, if it’s been a rule for more than one DBMS, even if it’s pointless, maybe it affects compatibility because others still think it’s real.

Old SQL Server rules, for what they’re worth, also include “fixed fields first” and “short before long” but they’re obsolete. Also if you’ve got InnoDB’s compact format then lengths of variable columns are in the header. So when you see claims that you have to journey through the varchar columns till you reach the char columns, be skeptical.


Suppose in the past you said


and now (after rehash) you start an INSERT statement:


at this point the ocelotgui autocompleter will present you with a hint and you can save a fraction of a second by selecting the first item so you don’t have to navigate.

Unfortunately you won’t save anything when the statement is SELECT, though, because the SELECT list comes before the FROM clause. That is, the GUI won’t know what table you’re using until you’ve already specified the columns.

Speaking of irritating design, I take this opportunity to mention the syntax:

INSTALL PLUGIN plugin_name SONAME 'plugin_library';

Notice again how the GUI can’t hint about a name at the appropriate point, because it won’t know the library yet. I class this as a violation by the vendor of the advice “general before specific”.


If there is a “run” of bytes with the same value, then a “run-length encoding” (RLE) algorithm might save space. Thus if if it is likely that 20 columns will all contain 0, then keeping them together is a good idea.

But it’s only an idea. The practical considerations are that (a) there’s no compression (b) the typical compression is some variant of Lempel-Ziv which wouldn’t require the columns to be exactly contiguous, (c) it’s hard to predict what algorithms and byte placements will actually save the most space without trying them all (d) they’re not all available unless you build from source.


Consistency between tables: if table #1 has columns in a particular order, then table #2 should too. Imitate the INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables because they are likely to be static, although the collations of string columns are likely to change. I’d add “imitate examples in the manual”, but only if the examples in the manual are themselves consistent. For example the MySQL manual example

CREATE TABLE pet (name VARCHAR(20), owner VARCHAR(20),
       species VARCHAR(20), sex CHAR(1), birth DATE, death DATE);

has no explicit primary key, but the columns might be in order of importance and the final column is the one most likely to contain NULL. For example the MariaDB manual example

CREATE TABLE test.accounts (
   first_name VARCHAR(25),
   last_name VARCHAR(25),
   email VARCHAR(100),
   amount DECIMAL(15,2) CHECK (amount >= 0.0),
   UNIQUE (email)

has the PRIMARY KEY clause mixed in the column definition but the UNIQUE clause outside the column definition, and has first name before surname.

Consistency between statements: if WHERE clauses often have WHERE a = 5 AND b = 6, or if ORDER BY clauses often have A, B ASC, or if INSERT statements often have (a, b), then the CREATE TABLE definition can serve as a guide by letting users know that a comes before b by design.

Consistency between definitions: if table #1 has one foreign key referencing table #X and then another foreign key referencing table #Y, and table #2 has one foreign key referencing table #y and then another foreign key referencing table #X, then ask yourself why the order of foreign keys in table #2 is not the same as the order of foreign keys in table #1. Ideally the order will be reflected in entity-relationship diagrams.

ocelotgui changes

The ocelotgui 2.4 release is available for download from github.

The debugger feature won’t work with MariaDB 11.5ff for reasons I’ll explain elsewhere. However, if you download the source and build, it will work. Or wait for ocelotgui 2.5 which (I hope) will be released soon.