Month: June 2023
SQL:2023 and how well MySQL and MariaDB comply
SQL:2023 is now the official SQL standard. I’ll compare some of the new optional features with what MySQL and MariaDB support already, and say whether I judge they are compliant.
At the moment I don’t have draft documents (my membership on the standard committee ended long ago), so I gratefully get my news from Oracle and Peter Eisentraut. It’s early days, I may be making mistakes and may be guessing wrong about what new features are important.
MySQL and MariaDB examples:
SELECT LPAD('hi',3,'?'); causes '?hi'. SELECT RPAD('hi',3,'?'); causes 'hi?'.
Judgment: compliant with SQL:2023 optional feature T055.
The third argument is optional and default is the space character. For some reason I’m not seeing the documentation in the manuals, but it is standard behaviour.
MySQL and MariaDB examples:
SELECT LTRIM(' *'); -- causes '*'. SELECT RTRIM('* '); -- causes '*'.
Judgment: not compliant with SQL:2023 optional feature T056.
Although SQL:2023 now has LTRIM and RTRIM, they are two-argument,
perhaps a bit like Oracle.
Also SQL:2023 has BTRIM for trimming from both ends. Although MySQL and MariaDB have TRIM(BOTH …), it’s not quite the same thing.
VARCHAR instead of VARCHAR(length)
MySQL and MariaDB example:
CREATE TABLE t(s1 VARCHAR(1)); -- (length) is mandatory
Judgment: not compliant with SQL:2023 optional feature T081
A DBMS that supports feature T081 doesn’t have to include a maximum length, it’s up to the implementation, which in this situation could be 65535 bytes. This is unfortunate and it might be my fault, I think I used to insist that length should be mandatory in MySQL.
Although I can use the TEXT data type instead for indefinite-length strings, it has different characteristics.
ANY_VALUE, emphasizing use with GROUP BY
MySQL and MariaDB example:
Judgment: compliant with SQL:2023 optional feature T626, almost, alas
Probably you noticed that s2 is not in the GROUP BY clause, and yet the syntax is legal — any of the original t values could appear.
The standard would yield something similar with different syntax: SELECT s1, ANY_VALUE(s2) FROM t GROUP BY s1;
Or, as Oracle describes it, “[ANY_VALUE] eliminates the necessity to specify every column as part of the GROUP BY clause”.
That means it’s non-deterministic. Usually I’ve cared more about non-standardness. But now that argument is weaker.
ORDER BY, emphasizing use with GROUP BY
MySQL and MariaDB example:
CREATE TABLE t (s1 int, s2 int, UNIQUE (s2)); INSERT INTO t VALUES (1,1),(7,2),(5,3); SELECT s1 FROM t GROUP BY s1 ORDER BY s2;
Judgment: not compliant with SQL:2023 optional feature F868.
I’m probably misunderstanding something here about the intent, but the effect is that something that’s not in the GROUP BY clause can determine the ordering. In this case, because column s3 is unique, it’s maybe not utterly absurd. But in MySQL and MariaDB, the result is not guaranteed to be in order by column s3.
MySQL and MariaDB syntax:
SELECT GREATEST(2,1,3); -- result = 3 SELECT LEAST(2,1,3); -- result = 1
Judgment: compliant with SQL:2023 optional feature T054
MySQL and MariaDB example:
Judgment: partly compliant with SQL:2023 feature F292 unique null treatment
To understand this, your required reading is my old blog post
You have to read the whole thing to understand that the
standard document was not contradictory, and that MySQL
and MariaDB have always been compliant, because …
In a UNIQUE column, you can insert NULLs multiple times.
However, because lots of people never understood, there are implementations where you cannot do so. Therefore feature F292 allows new syntax:
MySQL and MariaDB could easily half-comply by allowing the first option and saying it is the default. (The standard now says the default is implementation-defined.) (A backward step.)
Hexadecimal and octal and binary integer literals
MySQL and MariaDB example:
SELECT 0x4141;
Judgment: not compliant with SQL:2023 optional feature T661
Did you notice that I said “integer literals”? That’s what’s wrong, 0x4141 in standard SQL is now supposed to be an integer, decimal 16705. But MySQL and MariaDB will treat it as a string, ‘AA’.
It is always legal for an implementation to have “non-conforming” syntax that causes “implementation-dependent” results. That’s what happened with 0x4141, in the mists of time. But now, if one decides to “conform” with the syntax of this optional feature, one must change the behaviour drastically: not merely a different value but a different data type.
I suppose that the road to compliance would involve deprecations, warnings, sql_mode changes, etc., lasting years.
Underscore digit separators
MySQL and MariaDB example:
CREATE TABLE t (10_000_000 INT); INSERT INTO t VALUES (1); SELECT 10_000_000;
Judgment: not compliant with SQL:2023 optional feature T662 Underscores in numeric literals
Big numbers like 10,000,000 cannot be expressed in SQL using commas because that looks like three separate values. The solution, which I see was implemented a few years ago in Python, is to express 10,000,000 as 10_000_000 — that is, underscores instead of commas.
In standard SQL, an identifier cannot begin with a digit. But in MySQL and MariaDB, it can, so 10_000_000 is a legal regular identifier. This is another example of an extension that causes trouble in a long term.
There is an idiom about this, usually about chickens: “come home to roost”. As Cambridge Dictionary puts it: “If a past action, mistake, etc. comes home to roost, it causes problems at a later date, especially when this is expected or seems deserved …”
MariaDB example:
Judgment: partial compliance with SQL:2023 feature T801 JSON data type etc.
I’m not going to try to analyze all the new JSON options because it’s a big subject. Also there’s a CYCLE clause and a new section of the standard, part 16 Property Graph Queries (SQL/PGQ), which I don’t think is appropriate to get into during this comparison of features in the foundation. Maybe some other time.
Actually, despite pointing to some non-compliance, I have to give credit to the people who decided to implement some features long before they became standard. (And I don’t credit myself at all because they appeared before I was a MySQL architect, and in fact I objected to some of them while I was with MySQL AB.)
Well done.
ocelotgui news
The new version of the Ocelot GUI application, ocelotgui, is 2.0. As always the source and executable files are on github. The biggest new feature is charts. I’ll say more in a later blog post.
Update added 2023-06-12: Re ANY_VALUE: see comment by Øystein Grøvlen. As for the question from Federico Razzoli, I cannot give an authoritative answer. Also I’ve been reminded that MariaDB request MDEV-10426 regarding ANY_VALUE is marked as part of MariaDB 11.2 flow, but until then I guess MySQL is a bit ahead.